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作者: 囚犯


排行十,Auckland city APARTMENT CAR PARK
危险系数5,被砸被偷系数 5


排行九,Dominion Rd的Foodtown停车场
危险系数6,被砸被偷系数 6


排行八,st lukes mall电影院停车场
危险系数6,被砸被偷系数 7

光天化日,摄像机当头照,还是经常有人敢砸玻璃,如果偷不到东西就是爆后窗,砸完就跑,真是非常不幸。 值得庆幸的是事,这里的贼,只为财,偷车的现象还是少见。

排行七,Dominion Rd一条街
危险系数6,被砸被偷系数 7


排行六,New Lynn Ambrico Place 的停车场
危险系数7, 被砸被偷系数 7

New lynn, 一向是毛利人的聚集区,在这里,你经常会看到碎玻璃滿地都是,其危险程度就不言而喻了。

排行五, 东区meadowland
危险系数7, 被砸被偷系数 8


排行四,Auckland City- wilson parking
危险系数8, 被砸被偷系数 8

在orange rd上坡那个wilson parking, 号称新西兰小偷练手的地方,车被偷被砸发生在你生命中的每一天。

排行三,皇上皇旁边的停车场-地点Mt albert
危险系数9, 被砸被偷系数 9

真的没有王法吗? 对,就是没有王法,这里到了晚上贼就是爷,他们能当着你的面,一辆一辆地毯式搜索,找出来所有你车里面值钱的东西。

排行二,麽麽茶旁边的停车场-地点 MT ALBERT
危险系数9.5, 被砸被偷系数 9.5

太危险了! 太危险了!每个人都知道这里危险,到了晚上,尽管旁边大街上停满了车辆,拥挤不堪,可是到这里一看,停车场里一部车都没有,空荡荡的,漆黑一片,令人毛骨悚然,没有一个人敢把车停在这里,因为大家都知道把车停在这里意味着什么。


排行第一 Massey 大学停车场-地点Albany
危险系数10, 被砸被偷系数 10



Saving a Web Page for Offline Use

Helpful Tips!
20 March 2002 By Actrix Networks
Is there a website on the Internet that you visit frequently? If so, you may find it convenient to save that page onto your hard drive. By doing that, you can load the page in Internet Explorer without having to go online. Now, of course, this won’t be a great help for say, an interactive banking page where you need to be online in order to interact with your accounts in real time, and it will mean that your web page will only be as up-to-date as it was at the time you saved it.
However, saving a page offline certainly has its uses. Perhaps you’ve found a site that has a long story on it, or a lot if information that you may not have time for when you first visit. By saving the page to your hard drive, you can bring it up again and read it at your leisure without having to spend time (and money) being online. Perhaps the Actrix newsletters themselves are an example you might want to experiment with.
Saving a web page to your hard drive is pretty easy. The simplest way is just to visit a page, and once it’s fully loaded click the File menu and then Save As… This will bring up a Save Web Page box which you can use to select a name for the saved page and a location on your hard drive in which to save it (e.g. My Documents or Desktop).
Under Save as Type I’d suggest selecting the Web Page Complete option, though you can also select other options such as saving the text (html) only if you don’t care about the pictures. Leave the Encoding box alone and just simply accept whatever Windows decides to put there. Click the Save button and the page will be saved on your hard drive at the location you specified. Perhaps the simplest thing to do here would be to save the page to your desk top. That way it will be easy to find and open. To do this, make sure you click the Desktop icon (pictured above on the left of the box, though other versions of Windows might have this icon appearing near the top right of the box) before you click Save.
A More Complicated and More Powerful Way
A more powerful way of saving web pages offline uses the Bookmarks feature.
To save a web page for viewing offline:
Visit the page you want to save, and wait for it to fully load.
Click Favorites on the Menu bar, and then Add to Favorites. An Add Favorite box will pop up.
Feel free to edit the name of the Bookmark, and to select the Links folder for saving, if you think that’s a good idea. (You may need to click the Create In button to get the folder list to display)
Make sure there is a tick in the Make Available Offline tickbox, and click OK.
And there you have it. Next time you want the page and you’re offline, just open Internet Explorer, click the bookmark you made for it, either under your Favorites menu, or on your Links bar (depending on how you’ve chosen to save the bookmark). Your computer may prompt you to go online, but if you click the Work Offline button Internet Explorer will load for you the version saved on your hard drive without you having to go online at all.